Sep 16Liked by Chris O'Brien

Thanks for sharing, this looks fun :)

I did a gravel ride from Bordeaux to Paris to Mont St. Michael last year and it was a blast. This looks fun and good notes as I ran into similar issues. I was trying to stay offroad but sometimes the route just disappeared into a fence or forest.

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Yeah, no matter how much I research in advance, there are always surprises, alas. Sounds like an epic trip though! We've thought about doing the bike trail from Paris to Mont St. Michael so would love to know your thoughts on that part of the route.

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Sep 16Liked by Chris O'Brien

Thanks for this! It reminded me of the bike trip my (ex) husband and I took for our honeymoon. I was promised gently rolling farm country and crisp fall weather. As my husband disappeared around bends way ahead of me, I muttered “Please God, let it be downhill” as sweat dripped in my eyes. We got chased by farm dogs, and struggled on gravel paths as pickup trucks roared past us.The beautiful Vermont scenery did nothing to assuage the tough slogging. It took me years to contemplate a bike trip again. I hope your memories soften with the passage of time!

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Oh, sorry to hear! Fortunately, we had a couple of positive experiences before that. However, I'm not sure I'll ever convince the kids to do it again. :-)

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Thank you for the wonderful report. You are certainly one brave family.

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Very helpful, Chris! Sharing it with my bike-touring son @Phineas Rueckert

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Wow, thanks for your post Chris. Yes, as someone wrote below, you certainly are a courageous family. Being someone with a worst case scenario mind, I now understand why I haven't ever done this kind of long bike ride,, although I've considered it....I've always feared it would be just like yours was! I'm very impressed at your fortitude in continuing for those five hours of city driving. Yikes! I'm so glad you had your night in the mansion and your celebratory meal for kings at the end of the journey. You absolutely 200% earned that meal! And I'm guessing you earned some strong leg muscles as well. Big Love to all of you, K

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